Advancing Your Dogs Focus, How To Make Dog Training Fun, For You And Your Dog. In today’s video, I’m demonstrating how to teach and/or correct behaviors with your dog. By doing retrieving training drills. Your dog will love this training! Once you start seeing how everything comes together for you and your dog, your going to love doing these training exercises with him.
What can you learn today?
What will this training exercise do for you and your dog? It will build a better attention and focus, with any dog, and give them more freedom to run around and play. And you’ll see that your dog will say, hey it’s okay I’m being a dog and if you give me a chance, I will show you I can learn.
Sandy, with and her German shepherd Zeus, are working retrieving training drills. It’s important to understand when doing this type of training, if you can not get your dog to focus on you, then you will not be able to teach him, or her, anything at all. And forget about trying to go to this high level of training. I have seen more people make this mistake when trying to do retrieving training with their dogs. You need to have a strong attention, and focus, first, with your dog, before you can do any kind of training at all.
Just think about this for a minute or two. How can you train a dog if you cannot teach them that paying attention to you first, is the most important part of training. How many times have you heard people say, my dog fail training classes, and the training did not work for them. Well please allow me to tell you that dogs do not fail at training, people are the ones that have fail at training theirs dogs, because of not have the right dog training information for whatever level that they were trying to accomplish, and will never achieve, any kind of success without it.
How to practice:
1.First you need to use the proper training collar that helps you control you dog. Then we use a 15 to 25, foot-cotton-web- long line, so we can teach the dog to back when called. Once your dog picks up the toy, be excited, and back up and invite him to come to you, and then teach the command give it.
2. Is to use your dogs favorite toy. Begin throwing his, or her toy out in front of them, about five to ten feet, and then start by saying your dogs name first along with the command fetch it, or you can use any other command you want that will make you happy.
3. If your dog does not run after it, don’t worry about it, just go and kick it around and make it fun. You will see they will catch on quick. And remember, to praise them. And you need to have patience.
4.Work your dog with just short training sessions each day, about 15 to 20 minutes, two times a day.
5. Advance: dog owners: All you need to do, Is watch the video above a few times, you will find your answer.
Here’s the first video I did with Zeus: In this video. I show you the steps that Sandy needed to work on before she would be able to take Zeus to the next level of doing retrieving training.
I hear this all the time with new customers every week, or anytime someone finds me through my dog training videos online and decides to give me a call, or through via email. Remember that dogs are not born trained. Training never ends throughout your dogs life.
Thanks for watching and I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please comment if you enjoy this information.
Enjoy! Dennis